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Double Mint is Double Delicious

Red Stem Apple Mint, also known as Doublemint 'Madalene Hill', is the only mint that has the aroma and taste of both spearmint and peppermint. It is also the inspiration of doublemint gum, the delicious minty yet sweet chewing gum that I remember growing up with.

With a distinctive soft leaf shape and red stem, this plant is a joy in the garden and on the palate. I LOVE red stem apple mint as a tea because of its distinct flavor and encourage visitors to taste it right off the stem - it truly is nature's chewing gum!

Doublemint is named for Madalene Hill, the founder of the South Texas Herb Society and a well-known herbalist throughout North America. Madalene Hill began growing this mint in the 1950's and was pivitol in increasing the cultivation and use of this delicious mint variety. Similar to other mints, this plant grows prolifically through underground runners and is best cultivated in a container. The red color of the stems are more vibrant when grown in cooler climates, but the plant will send out gorgeous red blooms regardless of location.

This mint has founded the widest popularity in Vietnamese cooking where it is used to make vinegar dressing, salads or added to spring rolls. The immunity and digestive benefits of red stem apple mint are also enjoyed as a syrup - making a strong tea then adding a 2:! ratio of sugar to tea. This is an excellent topping for fruit salad, lemonade or herbal seltzer.

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