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Rue - protector and cleanser

Today I'm going to share a plant that is more of a spiritual medicine then physical medicine - Rue, or Ruda (Ruta graveolens). Native to southeastern Europe, Rue is now grown throughout the world and is well-known for it's strong smell and beautiful bluish-green leaves. In face, the name 'graveolens' in the latin name refers to the strong smelling leaves. The strong scent acts an insect repellent in the garden and the home.

Traditionally, rue is considered a strong protection plant - often planted at the entrance to a garden or home to prevent negative energy or bad spirits from entering the space. Rue has been used in many traditional remedies for everything from colic and menstrual cramps to epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. However, recent studies have shown that when taken in large doses it can be very toxic - even lethal - and therefore caution is warrented before ingesting this plant. But when taken in small quantities it has been shown to lower blood pressure and have anti-inflammatory properties.

It definitely can be enjoyed in a sensory garden both for it's aromatic and visual qualities. Rue also makes a great smuge - harvest the large stems and bundle them to burn as an incense for energy cleansing or proection.

If left alone, it grown to a small sized woody shrub and is a pretty hardy plant. It will tolerate rocky, dry soil but prefers well-drained soil and over watering can cause root rot. Better to under water than overwater. Although it is hardy, it requires winter potection, so cover the plant with mulch or leaves to protect through the winter. Then in the spring, cut back the branches to encourage new growth. Be careful when harvesting rue as some have reported irritation and rashes from the sap. However, once dried it can be spread around the house to deter pests.

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