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Calendula to support the skin

One of my favorite 'beauty' herbs, calendula is a gorgeous addition to the garden that also boasts many healing properties for the body. As an antiseptic, it is great for wound care - if added to a salve or simply used as a compress, it helps to prevent infection. Calendula is also well known for promoting cell repair, making it a great medicine for bruises, burns and skin concerns. One of my favorite ways to use calendula is as a facial wash - harvest flowers and allow the petals to dry for

1-2 days to remove most of the moisture. Put petals into a jar and cover with almond or jojoba oil. Close tightly and 'steep' for 4-6 weeks before straining out the petals. This calendula oil can be added to beeswax and shea or cocoa butter as a salve/lotion, or used directly as a face wash. For the oil-based face wash, went the skin and massage a small amount into the face. Then use a small amount of castile soap to wash the face. The calendula oil restores the skin and acts as a gentle exfoliant. You can also add a bit of salt or sugar to the oil 1-2 times a week for additional exfoliation.

Calendula is easy to grow in most climates and loves to spread throughout the garden. If it is starting to take over, simple dig up the plants to transplant or share with a neighbor! Calendula can grow in full sun or partial shade and requires little extra fertilizer. There are many gorgeous varieties of calendula, although most are yellow or orange. Continue to harvest the flowers as they bloom and you can have nearly year-round supply of this beautiful medicine!

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